CAB | Cambodia Asia Bank Plc,


CAB Bank provide this facility for senior citizens, the privilege to earn a higher interest rate than general citizens with Senior Citizen Fixed deposit schemes. Senior Citizen Fixed Deposit, are termed deposit plans with special interest rates offered to individuals who are over the age of 60 years old.
Product Overview and Interest Rate
Currency KHR USD
Minimum Deposit 400,000 $100
Term- Interest Rate (p.a.)
     1 month N/A N/A
     3 month 4.75% 3.75%
     6 month 5.75% 4.75%
     12 month 6.75% 5.75%
     24 month 7.25% 6.25%
Documentation-Certificate of Term Deposit Free
Replacement of Certificate Free

Account Opening Requirements
  • Over 60 years old
  • National ID or Passport
  • For Foreign National, Visa with Validity date
How to Apply?
Visit one of our branches or you can chat with us to know more information.