CAB | Cambodia Asia Bank Plc,


“ToanChet” Instant Capital Loan is a type of immediate fund or credit required to several startups or recover the business with short-term to handle financial difficulties and fulfill urgent business requirements. The borrowers can only pay for monthly interest the principle will be pay at the maturity date. We offer terms & conditions more easy, transparent, convenient processes and quick disbursal in 3 working days.
Product Overview
Currency KHR USD
Loan amount 20,000,000 to 600,000,000 USD 5,000 to USD 150,000
Loan tenor 1 to 12 months
Loan processing fee 0.0833% per month Minimum 400,000 Minimum 100
Interest repayment Monthly
Principal repayment At the maturity date
Collateral Hard Title
Requirements and Eligibilities
  • Age is minimum 18 up to 65 years’ old
  • Single or Co-Borrower (as spouse/parents or relatives)
  • Completed Loan Application Form
  • National ID card, passport, family book
  • Saving Account with CAB
How to Apply?
Visit one of our branches or you can chat with us to know more information.